Three Wins: service redesign through flow modelling

Author: Simon Dodds
ISBN: 1-904235-54-9
Date Published: June 2013
Availability: In Stock
Price: £16.95

Three Wins: service redesign through flow modelling is based on the story of how a small team of health care professionals re-invented the way they worked in order to deliver:

  • better and higher quality of service for their patients;
  • better working environment through increased motivation and skill acquisition;
  • improved performance and efficiency.

The book serves as a timely reminder of the important role that front line staff can play in leading innovation for service improvement. Equally it highlights the potential that can be gained from reflective practice, audit and research, how these can inform every practice and of the benefits to service improvement through care process redesign.

The story and flow modelling account discussed here has won the:

  • NHS Innovation Award for Innovative Service Delivery, NHS Live, 2004
  • HITEA Best Innovative Use of IT and Best use of IT in the Health Service, 2005
  • West Midlands NHS Innovations Innovative Service Delivery Award, 2005